Saturday 12 June 2010

Roll Back Previous Autoconfig Run

In this post, very simple but useful way of handling autoconfig errors by way of rolling back to previous one. Suppose after autoconfig run you have been identified that some mis-configuration created in you instance environment and requires to rollback to the same old autoconfig file. YES, you can do by running script from $APPL_TOP/admin/SID_HOSTNAME/out/MMDDhhmm/ folder under apps Tier.

Whenever run autoconfig, will generate a directory 'MMDDhhmm' under $APPL_TOP/admin/SID_HOSTNAME/out. Inside the directory, there will be several files which autoconfig has taken a backup of existing one before making changes to that. And also create a file to restore named as ''. This script will do the copy of backup files to the original location and this has the effect to rolling back autoconfig run.
For example,
[applmgr@devtapps ]$ cd /apps/devtappl/admin/DEVT_devtapps/out/06111617/
[applmgr@devtapps 06111617]$

Hope this helps !!

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