Saturday 5 June 2010

How to restrict single session per user in 11i and R12

To implement an “Single Session per User” restriction that one user credential can not be used simultaneously. In Oracle E-Business Suite release 11i, a patch was required (#3861070). This patch installed the event and the event subscription to enable a single login per user . If a specific user logs in to the application and a previous, valid session is still active, the previous session(s) are immediately invalidated by the event. Please notice that, for evident reasons, the event will not fire for the following users:


Please make sure that, the classpath environment variable is correctly set and that the location of the java executable is included in the PATH environment variable.

Release 11i:

Load the event with the command:
java -u < apps_un > < apps_pw > < apps_dbserver.+fqdn >:< db_port >:< SID >  thin US \

Load the event subscription:
java -u < apps_un > < apps_pw > < apps_dbserver.+fqdn >:< db_port >:< SID > thin US \

In Oracle E-Business Suite release 12, there is no need to apply any patch as the files required are already present in the filesytem. The instructions are below:

Load the event with the command: java -u < apps_un> < apps_pw> < apps_dbserver.+fqdn>:< db_port>:< SID> thin US \ $FND_TOP/patch/115/xml/US/icxevte.wfx

Load the event subscription: java -u < apps_un> < apps_pw> < apps_dbserver.+fqdn>:< db_port>:< SID> thin US \ $FND_TOP/patch/115/xml/US/icxevts.wfx

You can enable/disable the business event through the System Administrator > Business Events screen (SYSADMIN user only) by searching for the word ’security’. It will pull up the event. Click on the Update icon and enable/disable. You then need to close all browsers for the change to take affect.

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