Sunday, 16 May 2010

How to 'Clear all Cache' using Functional Administrator Responsibility

How can the 'Clear all Cache' be selected through the Functional Administrator responsibility to ensure newly changed profiles that pertain to iProcurement are now being considered?

Many times when setting profile options that pertain to iProcurement, to ensure that the new profile values are invoked immediately, the following actions can be taken using the Functional Administrator.

Examples that may require this action to be taken are as follows:
 -  iProcurement Preferences (these values actually are User level profile options)
 - FND Diagnostics - to enable diagnostics
 - FND Debug Log Enabled - which engages further debugging to FND_LOG_MESSAGES table
 - Personalize Self Service Defn - commonly used profile to enable the Personalization Links
 - Newly added responsibility is not visible in the list of Responsibilities after logging into the application

The following steps are to be utilized to clear all the cache, forcing a refresh and requery of all profile values for the user in question.
R12 applications
1. Login and choose the Functional Administrator responsibility - then choose Home.

2.  Choose the Core Services Tab - then the Caching Framework Sub-Menu (In the dark blue region).
 - Proceed to choose 'Global Configuration' from the left hand side menu that appears
 - In the far right choose 'Clear all Cache' button.

3. A screen prompts and confirms that the action will clear all cache on the middle tier server - choose Yes.
Essentially, this just forces all user sessions to engage and validate - rather than using cached values.

4.  A confirmation message is displayed, confirming that all cache has been cleared across middle tiers.

5. Proceed to test and confirm whatever change was made to the preference, profile, etc....

11i applications
1. Login and choose the Functional Administrator responsibility - then choose Home.

2.  Choose the Core Services Tab - then the Caching Framework Sub-Menu (In the dark blue region).
 - Proceed to choose 'Global Configuration' from the left hand side menu that appears
 - In the far right choose 'Clear all Cache' button.

3. A screen prompts and confirms that the action will clear all cache on the middle tier server - choose Yes.
Essentially, this just forces all user sessions to engage and validate - rather than using cached values.

4.  A confirmation message is displayed, confirming that all cache has been cleared across middle tiers.

5. Proceed to test and confirm whatever change was made to the preference, profile, etc....

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